When you meet Sadie, you will want to immediately pet and squish on her and she will LOVE that. Along her journey to ABR, Sadie has met many of our team members and always greeted everyone with the same warm reception. And when she landed in her foster home, she was thrilled to find that there were a few people living there to give her all the attention. Sadie is also living with two other dogs and has the best time playing with them! She has a yard, and they spend the day wrestling and jowl flapping in the sunshine. In terms of how she interacts with dogs, Sadie is a very typical bulldog. She'll squeeze her way in between them to get to humans, sit on them if she doesn't find her accommodations comfortable enough, and barrel her way through the dogs if she wants to get to something. Her ideal forever family should have friendly dogs who don't mind sharing their humans and personal space. Sadie is also best with older kids, because her vice is thinking that every small toy is a food. We'd hate to risk her swallowing a little one's toys that are left out and about, so we think it's best that her forever home doesn't have small kids.