Rhiannon was found as a stray with 6 puppies in poor condition, and picked up by a small shelter in North Texas. Rhiannon's puppies don't need her anymore, so she finally gets to be a puppy herself! The best part of coming to ABR for her has been all the TOYS! This girl just loves to play, and her face just lights up when she realizes someone she loves wants to have fun with her. We think Rhiannon would make the BEST adventure buddy since she loves long walks and exploring her foster family’s property. And since she’s not as stumpy or flat faced as her English Bulldog friends (but still only 55lbs!), she can comfortably go on hikes and would probably enjoy jogging with you in cooler months. Rhiannon loves people so much and can sometimes be a little too enthusiastic when she says hi or wants to play. So, we think a family older kids would be best.