
Hi! My Name Is Max

I'm Available

Another day, another bully rushed to the ER for lifesaving surgery, and another win for us ❣️
Max underwent emergency soft palate surgery (so that he could breathe- to live, etc.), and, while under, we discovered that he also had been suffering a collapsed trachea for a spell (yup, that's a thing that is not unfamiliar to these guys) and, his crackerjack surgical team also discovered that little guy had a (super manageable) heart condition. 
What does all of that mean..?
Some super lucky family is getting an almost brand spanking new young frenchie mix (AKA an exotic bully, aka a perfect house piglet) who, by doctors' orders (for real, though), will have to have special care paid if he is ever to have another surgery and, needs to have a home, a family, and a life that are calm, cool, and collected.
He's never going to be a rough and tumble boy. 

He is obsessed with making all the borks to keep his home safe from invisible intruders, and he wants nothing more than to cuddle up in the closest lap and shower his best humans with all of the Piglet love. 

Maxey will happily live with another relaxed couch potato dog or a fun, playful one and will love a furever home to help him live his best life.
We think kids under 13 will be too exciting for this little guy, and his people will have to realize that he will never be an outdoor ride-or-die type of pup.
Also, no stairs for this boi; thank you for understanding his needs! 
As his foster mama says: Maxamillion, he’s worth a Billion 🤩


  • Bulldog - French & Mix
  • Male
  • 2 Years OldMy DoB is 01/01/2023 (Estimated)
  • 31 - 40 Pounds
  • Fawn & White
  • Gentle and Friendly
  • I Don't Like Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • $ 400.00
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