Matilda is a delicious snuggle pie who wants nothing more than to give and receive love. No, really. This girl looks at everyone with the most heart melting puppy dog eyes, regardless of how they treat her. And she gets along perfectly with all animals, big and small--everyone gets a Matilda kiss. This girl does not have a mean bone or cell in her smushy body. Matilda was given away time and time again to different owners who used her for breeding until her body could take no more. Her last stop before ABR was a home who wanted her euthanized so they could get a puppy. But she luckily had a guardian angel who called us, and we also feel fortunate to have been blessed with the opportunity to get to know her. Matilda has been absolute perfection, when it comes to her relationship with foster dog roomates. Her calm, soothing energy is such a wonderful addition to any home. We think she'd be great with kids of any age and would love to have dog or cat friends, she's just not going to be much of a playmate. We'd also prefer she go to a home without many stairs to traverse and its own yard. Matilda's front elbow was injured, at some point in her life, and never given proper care. She has no trouble walking, but we want to make sure her life from now on is as cushy and easy as possible! She deserves it!