
Hi! My Name Is Lana

We're happy to tell you that Lana has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.

Lana is one of the strongest and most tenacious dogs we’ve ever met!  She spent the first three years of her life pumping out litters until she was dumped in the Rio Grande Valley, almost starved to death and nearly blind.  We honestly thought she was a senior dog, at first!  But as it turns out, she’s about 3yo and has really come back to life in her ABR foster home!

After a few baths, basic treatment for her eyes, and good food, Lana has blossomed into a sassy little babe with no fear!  She will likely never regain her vision in one eye and is mostly blind in the other, due to the level of neglect she suffered through, but gets to know her space quickly and is easy to housetrain once she knows the routine.  Lana is also crate trained and actually loves going into her little zen den for some peace and quiet.  She is currently living with a 12yo human foster sister and makes it very known that she is her favorite.  We think respectful kids about this age or older are best suited for Lana longterm.  
She’s also living with another dog, but can get a little testy if that dog approaches her food or tries to interrupt her pets while indoors (but is fine seeing them when out and about).  If she does live with another dog, we’d recommend a very calm dog who doesn’t mind sharing their people.  

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