
Hi! My Name Is Kevin

We're happy to tell you that Kevin has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.

Kevin just makes people happy.  One look at his bright eyes and tiny tooth perpetually peeking from his underbite and your whole day will be infinitely better.  He's been a joyful addition to the Frenchie pack in his foster home, who enjoys playing with him, lounging in the sunshine together, and curling up in a puddle with bunny ears on chilly nights.  Family life looks good on Kev!  Kevin has also been a real gentleman to the resident cat.  Foster mom said he's very gentle and gives kitty space when he isn't interested in being around the dogs.  He's just all around a very, very nice dog as far as Frenchies go - well-behaved and loving with the perfect sprinkle of occasional sass!  Kevin was found as a stray in pretty awful condition.  We think he had been subsiding off trash and whatever else he could find for awhile.  And given he had to fend for himself, it's totally understandable he doesn't want to share his food with his fur friends at meal time.  We recommend always feeding dogs in separate spaces (even if they've lived together forever) to avoid any conflict, and Kevin is no exception.

Kevin came to ABR with very severe stomach issues.  We and his vets believe he is dealing with Granulomatous Colitis, which he could've acquired while out as a stray, as a young puppy, or a combination of both.  It's become more and more common in French Bulldogs, given the number of high volume breeders who keep their young dogs in unsanitary conditions, do not provide adequate vet care, vaccinate puppies without using a licensed vet, and/or skip critical deworming steps for puppies. Kevin's adopters will need to ensure he is kept on his vet recommended diet and supplements, as well as have a plan with their vet to manage flare ups.  

Kevin was also diagnosed with cervical IVDD, affecting his neck.  His condition has been managed with steroids, pain meds, and crate rest, but he may eventually need surgery if he continues to experience flare ups.  This is another VERY common condition for Frenchies.  We think an adults only home would be best for Kevy to ensure that everyone in the household understands to be careful with handling him.  As a rule, since Frenchies are prone to IVDD, adopters should avoid stairs and not allow their frenchies to jump on and off high surfaces on their own. 

Anyone adopting a Frenchie should educate themselves on both of these conditions and be willing to commit to their new family member for better or worse.  Both of these have become VERY common in French Bulldogs, and are even often misdiagnosed.  Frenchies with one or both of these conditions can live happy lives as part of a loving family, and Kevin is no exception.  


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