
Hi! My Name Is Isley

We're happy to tell you that Isley has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.

Isley was in such bad shape when ABR saved him that it was hard to see the spunky terrier under all that filth.  He didn't want to do much of anything except sleep and pace.  Now, after some proper care for both his terrier and senior needs, Isley is getting a little brighter every day, and it's been so amazing to watch him wake up!  He loves to follow his favorite people around, curiously watching what their up to.  He especially enjoys mowing the lawn with foster dad, who doesn't mind that Isley takes a break to nap in the sunshine while he works on the yard.  Isley has also discovered how much he loves cheese and cheerios.  This guy will do anything for a slice of cheese and enjoys sniffing around for hidden cheerios in his snuffle mat or bed.  We think Isley must've been put to work as a breeder stud or something else where he did not have much human contact.  It's taken a bit for him to learn that he can eat food out of a bowl or a human hand instead of off the floor, and to recognize that butt scratches are the best thing ever.  The most important change for Isley is that he is seeking out human affection.  His favorite napping spot is next to his humans with his chin nuzzled into you.   And he plays!  His favorite game is chasing foster mom around the yard or his favorite orange ball (but don't expect him to bring it back, of course.  That's your job.)

Isley's vet visit showed that he has moderate kidney disesase, which is totally manageable at this point.  He can certainly still have some happy years left in him with the right diet and supplements.  He also will need ongoing senior care, including medication to manage a little arthritis in his spine.  Now that he is more aware and alert, Isley has been working on potty training.  He does best with a predictable routine, but is learning to grunt or whine a little when it's time to go!  Lastly, Isley would prefer to be your one and only dog.  He's ok seeing other dogs when out and about, but really would rather be the king of your castle. 

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