Huey Lewis (original)

Hi! My Name Is Huey Lewis (original)

Huey’s deafness isn’t a big challenge for him and won’t be a big challenge for his caregivers. He understands general signs and adapts to living in a home well.
Huey’s energy level is very low. He sleeps often due to his medication. He gets along with other dogs and people visiting his home. He’s never had any issues with kids but I would be cautious of his who mess with his ears because of how sensitive he is about his ears. Huey has skin allergies which will always require frequent baths and ear cleaning. He does see a dog skin allergy specialist which prescribed prescription dog food(Royal Canine Hydrolyzed Protein) to manage his allergies. Huey does well as an only dog and fits well within a pack. He MUST have his fluoxetine daily to manage his anxiety. His anxiety is excessive without his medicine. New owners should know Huey will always want to have his back to the wall and to face outward as he wants to see around him since he is deaf.

  • Bulldog - English
  • Male
  • 0 Days Old
  • 61 - 70 Pounds
  • White & Brown
  • Couch Potato
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
  • Not Tested With Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
  • I'm Trained
Special Needs (Medical)
Deaf or Hearing Impaired,  Medical Condition
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