
Hi! My Name Is Hudson

We're happy to tell you that Hudson has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.

Hudson has been bounced around from home to home, due to no fault of his own.  And now, someone has finally taken the time to know him, care for him, and help him through some of the things he's nervous about.  On the surface, he's a big lovey mush who parades happily around the house with a toy eagerly awaiting someone to tug on the other end.  But what his loving foster soon discovered is that his folds, ears, feet, and tail pocket hadn't been properly cared for, to the point of causing him a lot of pain and anxiety during grooming.  And so, they've been patiently working with him on showing him that these things can make him feel better!  Along with neuter, Hudson also had a tail amputation, which is not a procedure we decided to do very often.  But the shape of his tail and the amount of neglect he'd been through meant that this would give him a significantly better quality of life.

And like magic -- after his amputation surgery and his ears have started to heal, he is happier, more tolerant of grooming, and is getting along beautifully with his bulldog foster sister.  He loves to curiously follow her around the yard and see which sniff spots she recommends and is very respectful of her when she says "no more, please" if she needs space.  We still think taking things slow, starting with a gate between dogs in his foster home, and working up to co-habitation has helped Hudson see that he can trust his foster sister to not hurt him.  We would love for his forever family to use this same method to integrate him into your home, if you have another dog.  And because Hudson is still working up to being ok with any and all grooming, we think it's best he be in an adults-only home for now.

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