Hans is happy if you're happy. It's hard to ruffle this guys feathers. He's an easygoing gentleman who is happy going with the flow, no matter the circumstances. When he arrived at ABR, his eyes were so dry and neglected that he could barely see and he has lumps and bumps on him that kept opening and bleeding. Even though he just met foster mom, he was perfectly fine with her wiping, cleaning, poking, and prodding to help him feel better. Hans is just that easy going of a guy. He also settled in right away with the resident bulldogs and his much smaller chi mix foster sibling. In fact, his favorite place to nap is in (or rather...on...) the chi's tiny bed in his little play area. Hans would be great for a family who wants a social dog who will welcome new people coming to say hi to him when out and about. He mostly naps all day, but is pleased to have a slow waddle around the block to make new friends. Hans's forever family should be prepared to provide basic senior care for him, since he is 10yo. He should remain on eye drops, have regular medicated baths and ear care, and take joint supplements to keep him spry.