Cole's huge personality cannot be contained inside his tiny frenchie body. You've shared videos with your friends of bossy frenchie antics, outrageous noises that don't seem real, and hilarious tiny bat pig snores and now, that could be your real life! Cole is seriously everything we love about frenchies. He is enthusiastically loving, needy in all the best ways, and demands to be the center of your world. He knows his worth and will not accept anything less (we love a self-aware king). And watching his stumpy legs propel his tootise roll body after toys will totally make your day.
Cole is not a fan of sharing his home with other dogs, after living in a backyard for years with bigger dogs, competing for resources. And after that, this guy deserves to be your one and only prince who never has to wonder where his next meal is coming from or if he'll have shelter from cold weather. Cole may be tiny, but he LOVES BIG! One of his signature moves is smothering his favorite humans with kisses and giving tiny love nibbles on your nose and ears. And really, he can’t help that with his funny little underbite in the mix. He may be a little too overwhelming for little kids, but we think older kids would be great for him!