Baby Bear is a pocketsized ball of sunshine you can take everywhere with you! She’s incredibly social and always thrilled to meet new people, constantly wiggling her funny little traffic cone shaped tail. BB also loves doggy friends and is so very sad when she can’t say hi to all of them when out and about. She’s got great house manners too, and is doing great living in an apartment. BB isn’t living with kids right now, but is so gentle and friendly, we think she’d do great with them. In fact, she’d probably love a home with a family who has company over often, since she’s not intimidated by strangers. Baby Bear has a very small heart murmur, but does not need medication or any special treatment because of it. Even though she’s a mix, she still has a smushy enough face that her future family should consider the same things they would with a bulldog, in terms of activity level and hot temperatures.